


Dini Argeo還具有ATEX秤重終端,該秤重終端設計用於與自動化系統進行數字接口,以進行定量,填充和排空控制。這些秤重終端經過ATEX認證,適用於有爆炸危險的區域0和20、1和21、2和22。

Dini Argeo為有爆炸危險的區域(0、1、2、20、21和22區)提供經ATEX認證的稱重和計量解決方案。我們的ATEX認證秤,稱重終端,稱重傳感器等根據分類進行了獨特設計可能爆炸的安裝地點。經ATEX認證的稱重終端設計為與自動化系統進行數字接口,以進行配料,填充和排空控制。

Compact, reliable and accurate +/- weight checking systems. Particularly suitable to be integrated with production and/or shipping conveyor lines for a weight check which guarantees the quality and quantity of the outgoing products. Static or dynamic functioning modes. Structure in painted or

MCW professional crane scales allow to weight suspended loads with high accuracy. The wide range of models includes compact and easy to use crane scales, high capacity crane scales and super stron...

A wide range of installations in different places to show you the capabilities of DTW, the dual truck weighbridge.